Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Why I love my blog

Being turned on:
Not *that*. But the fact that Toddy and Miz Karma and I were talking and laughing one day about how I should have a blog and Toddy totally turned me on to the whole concept and hooked me up.

Writing it:
I love sitting down and putting my fingers on the keys and sharing a story. I wish I had more time to do it.

Sharing pieces of my life:
I love that there are moments in my life that move me to the point of being excited about sharing them. Regardless of whether or not they are philosophical, sad, exciting, spiritual.

Though I don’t always have time to get to as many blogs as I’d like to leave comments, I love that there people who read me and are moved to say something to me about what I have written.

Site Meter:
I love being able to peruse Site Meter and look at the cities and countries from which people read me.

I laugh at some of the ways people find me via a search engine:

“Pisces trouble area”
“Santa been in dirty under a tree”
“Barbies having sex”
“Nipple weights blogspot”
“My boobs”
“Tall boots”

I love that I have acquired friends via this forum that I feel connected to and never would have met otherwise. I look forward to being able to peek into their worlds a little each day as well.

Blog names:
I love that whenever Toddy and I are in a social gathering he’ll say, “This is my friend, Marilyn” and get confused looks in return. Then says, “She’s Auburn Pisces” and people immediately know who I am. That and the fact that Pony and Hot Toddy call me Aub. I love that I can yell “hey Hot” downstairs and he answers me. It’s created another layer of closeness or intimacy that I appreciate.

I love that I get to share some phenomenal stories about the sharpest little girl I know which makes me the proudest person alive.

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